
藁杆双脐螺在中国内陆的分布现状与传病风险 被引量:16

Distribution and schistosomiasis transmission risks of Biomphalaria straminea in inland China
摘要 藁杆双脐螺可作为曼氏血吸虫中间宿主,1981年证实在深圳市局部地区有该螺孳生;2013年再次调查发现,该螺已在深圳市、以及周边的东莞市和惠州市等地大范围蔓延扩散,并已在当地形成较优势种群,有进一步扩散的趋势。由于深圳市及周边地区与国际交流密切,劳务输出等人口流动性大,且目前我国由境外输入的曼氏血吸虫病病例报道亦逐渐增多,因此曼氏血吸虫病在我国传播或流行的潜在风险因素正在逐步增加,必须引起高度重视,及早采取相应的防控措施,加强监测,降低该病在我国传播或流行的风险。本文就藁杆双脐螺在中国内陆的发现、分布、扩散蔓延及传病风险等进行了综述,并提出相关的防控建议。 Biomphalaria straminea,the intermediary host of Schistosoma mansoni,was found by survey in local areas of Shen-zhen City in 1981,which was the first finding of the snail in inland China. By 2013,the snail had spread in large range of Shen-zhen City and overspread to the surrounding regions,Dongguan City and Huizhou City. Due to the facts that Shenzhen City has many international communications and is a key area of labor export,with high population mobility,while the reports of S. manso-ni infection in the returnees of our country from Africa have been increasing recently,it must be paid a high attention to whether the epidemic or transmission of schistosomiasis mansoni may happen under the present circumstance. This paper initially discusses the finding,distribution,spreading and overspreading and transmission risk of B. straminea in inland China and puts forward some related control suggestions.
出处 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第3期235-237,共3页 Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
关键词 曼氏血吸虫 藁杆双脐螺 分布与扩散 输入病例 传病风险 Schistosoma mansoni Biomphalaria straminea Distribution and spreading Import case Transmission risk
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