
1994—2010年东亚地区CO_2浓度变化特征及成因分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Source and Concentration Variations of Atmospheric CO_2in East Asia in1994—2010
摘要 在东亚地区选取5个大气本底观测站1994年以来观测的 CO2监测资料,分析了各站大气 CO2的时空变化特征,以及 CO2主要人为源的变化及其影响。结果表明,5个本底站大气 CO2年均值均呈明显升高趋势,2010年较1994年增长幅度为8.4%~9.0%;在北半球国家,CO2月均值有明显的季节变化,高值多出现在冬春等寒冷季节,低值多出现在夏季。减少化石燃料消耗量、增加森林覆盖率及农业覆盖率将对大气中 CO2有削减作用。 Based on observed atmospheric CO2 concentrations at 5 background stations in East Asia since 1 994,temporal and spatial variation characteristics and changesand impacts of the anthropogenic sourcesof atmospheric CO2 are analyzed.Results reveal that the annual average CO2 concentrations showed a clear upward trend,the concentration increased by 8.4% ~9.0% in 201 0 compared with 1 994.Monthly average CO2 concentrations exhibit strong seasonal variations.The higher values prefer to present in cold seasons such as winter and spring,while the lower values appear mostly in summer seasons in northern hemisphere.Reducing the fossil fuel consumption,increasing the forest coverage and improving the agricultural coverage will help reduce the mean CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
出处 《环境监控与预警》 2014年第2期35-39,共5页 Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning
关键词 东亚地区 二氧化碳 大气本底观测站 CO2 East asia Atmospheric background station
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