
柴油机燃用生物柴油颗粒SOF排放实验研究 被引量:5

Experimental Study on Soluble Organic Fractions Emissions of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biodiesel
摘要 以车用柴油机为样机,研究发动机燃用生物柴油的常规排放,重点探讨其可溶有机组分的排放特性。研究所用燃油为柴油和生物柴油掺混,一种为配比20%的B20燃油,另一种为纯生物柴油B100。结果表明:与柴油相比使用柴油机燃用生物柴油后烟度变化并不明显,但在1 000rpm时全负荷工况明显下降,NOX排放数据有所增加;B100的SOF排放浓度及其占总颗粒物的百分比最大,B20最小;总颗粒物B100最少,B20最多;B100的SOF/DS基本上随转速增高而下降。 Regulated emissions in the exhaust from a diesel engine with biodiesel fuel are studied, and the emission characteristics of soluble organic fraction (SOF) in PM are highlighted. In the experiment, pure diesel fuel.B20 (20% biodiesel blend with diesel fuel) fuel and pure biodiesel(B100) are chosen. Compared to pure diesel, the emissions of smoke emission of the diesel engine is not apparent, but decreases apparently in 1000rpm, full load when the engine burns biodiesel fuel, and the NOx emission data increases. For SOF emission concentration and the percentage of total particulate matter, B100 is maximum, and B20 is minimmum. For total particulate matter, B100 is maximum, and B20 is minimmum. SOF/DS of B100 basically decreases with the speed increasing.
出处 《交通科技与经济》 2014年第3期122-124,共3页 Technology & Economy in Areas of Communications
关键词 生物柴油 有机可溶成分 柴油机 排放 Bio-diesel soluble organic fraction diesel engine emissions
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