云南少数民族教育存在诸多亟待解决的理论问题和实际问题。本文认为 ,各级党政领导树立起“真正把教育摆到优先发展的战略重点地位”的观念 ;群众真正坚定起科教兴家致富的信念 ;学校坚持德教为先、全面发展的育才原则 ,并正确处理好教学内容与客观现实、素质教育与考试和所谓“跳农门”与“回家乡”等关系。
There exist many urgent theoretical and practical educational problems concerning Yunnan minority nationalities. The author offers the following solutions to these problems: a. The leaders at all levels should give priority to the development of education; b. the common people should have the confidence that education and technology will help them become rich; c. the schools at different levels must give priority to moral and quality education while cultivating multi-talented students.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)