
小鼠输卵管中标记滞留细胞的定位研究 被引量:2

Distribution of Label-retaining Cells in Mouse Oviduct
摘要 本研究旨在探讨小鼠输卵管中标记滞留细胞的存在与分布情况。C57乳鼠从出生后第3天开始,每隔1天分别在9:00和16:00皮下注射BrdU(5-溴-2-脱氧尿苷),8周后对输卵管取材进行冰冻切片和免疫荧光染色,用以检测BrdU标记滞留细胞的定位情况。结果显示:经过长周期的定位示踪,输卵管中有标记滞留细胞的存在,这些细胞自输卵管远端(壶腹部方向)至近端(峡部方向)呈现明显的梯度分布,并且其主要位于上皮组织中。以上结果表明,成年小鼠的远端输卵管上皮中很可能存在相应的前体细胞或干细胞。 The present study was aimed to investigate the existence and distribution of label-retaining cells (LRCs) in mouse oviduct. C57 mice in 3 days old were subcutaneously injected with BrdU (5-bromo-2'- deoxyuridine) twice daily, at 9:00 and 16:00, for 3 consecutive days. After 8 weeks labeling, the oviduct was collected to make frozen section and immunofluorescence staining for detecting the existence of BrdU positive LRCs. The results showed that the BrdU positive cells presented a gradient distribution from the distal (ampulla) to the proximal (isthmus) in oviduct, and these cells were mainly localized in the epithelium. In conclusion, these data suggested that the progenitor cells or stem ceils might exist in the epithelium of distal oviduct.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2014年第17期21-25,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 2013年度北京市教委北京市属高等学校创新团队建设与教师职业发展计划项目"体细胞转基因克隆肉牛新品系培育与利用"(PXM2013_014207_000067) 2013年度国家自然基金面上项目"牛体内外植入前胚胎IFNτ的差异表达及对子宫上皮细胞ISG15和Wnt7a表达的体外诱导"(31272526)
关键词 标记滞留细胞 免疫荧光染色 输卵管 小鼠 label-retaining cells immunofluorescence staining oviduct mouse
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