This paper is originated from a lecture given by the author oncomputation-oriented cognitive linguistics. It first discusses the reasons we need to dolanguage research and to establish the discipline of linguistics. It then explains whatcognition is and what relations are holding between cognition and language. Researchmethodology and major themes in cognitive linguistics are also introduced. Thepaper further introduces the prototype theory and its application to the classificationof the Chinese words, exemplifies the mental and logic mechanism of semanticinterpretation of sentences, and analyzes the relationship between human attentionassignment and the choice of perspectives in sentential expressions. In addition, theconceptual infrastructure of metaphorical expression and its influence on the lexicaland sentential meaning are introduced, the influence which conceptual blending hason the hyper-conventional linguistic expression is analyzed, and the functions oflinguistic iconicity and cognitive map in language expression and understanding areexemplified. Finally, the paper introduces the technological approach and operationalprocedure in cognition-based computational linguistics.
Cognitive linguistics
Prototype theory
Semantic interpretation
Metaphor and conceptual blending
Computational linguistics