

Stochastic orders and aging properties on record values
摘要 研究记录值中的随机序与年龄性质.证明了任何通过两个分布函数的行为所定义的随机序,均可以被它们相应的记录值所保持,而两个随机变量之间的剩余财富序,可以导致其相应记录值序列的平均连续增量的序关系.也讨论了k-记录值的连续增量的年龄性质. This paper studies stochastic orders and aging properties of record values. Any stochastic order on two underlying distributions defined only through the behavior of their distribution functions is proved to be inherited by the usual record values. It is also shown that the expected consecutive increment of usual record values preserves the excess wealth order of the underlying distributions. Aging behaviors of the consecutive increments of a sequence of k-record values are investigated as well.
作者 伍锦棠
出处 《运筹学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期103-110,共8页 Operations Research Transactions
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.11171278)
关键词 平均剩余寿命递减 失效率递增 剩余财富序 实验总时间序 increasing failure convex order, excess wealth order, rate, new better than used, total time on test transform new better than used in order
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