
发展观影响下的国际教育援助及其发展特点 被引量:1

International Educational Aid and Its Development Features under the Influence of Development Theories
摘要 国际教育援助的发展受发展观的影响。迄今为止,发展观的演变经历了经济增长观、社会发展观、综合发展观和以人为中心的发展观几个阶段。在不同发展观的影响下,国际教育援助也体现出不同的关注重点和援助战略。此外,受发展观演变的影响,国际教育援助的发展呈现出如下特点:从关注经济增长转向满足人类基本需求;实现了从"硬件支持"到"软件建设"的转型;援助的方式从"项目援助"转向"部门援助"和"计划援助"。 The development of educational aid is influenced by the development theories. Since the end of the Second World War, development theories have experienced evolution from economic develop- ment theory to social development theory, and then to comprehensive development theory and cur- rently to human centered development theory. With the influence of different development theories, the focus and strategies for educational aid has been changed along. And the development of education- al aid has undeitaken following improvements: its focus transfers from economic development to the basic human needs; its support changes from the hardware building to software building; and more and more aid takes the transition from "project aid" to "sector aid" and "program aid".
作者 赵玉池
出处 《教师教育学报》 2014年第3期93-98,共6页 Journal of Teacher Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“欧盟教育政策的历史变迁和发展走向”(12JJD880002),项目负责人:陈时见
关键词 国际教育 教育援助 发展 发展观 发展援助 international education educational aid development development theory development aid
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