
基于小波和小波包变换的医学图像融合比较 被引量:1

Comparison on algorithms of medical image fusion based on wavelet and wavelet packet transform
摘要 分别用小波变换和小波包变换对CT和PET图像进行融合,用常用的十种图像融合质量评价指标对融合效果进行比较。结果表明小波包变换的融合质量评价指标只有部分是优于小波变换的。在对CT和PET图像进行融合时,小波包并不一定更占优势,要根据自己的实际需求来决定选择使用小波变换还是小波包变换。 This paper gets the fusion images of CT and PET, which are respectively based on wavelet and wavelet packet transform, then compares the effects of fusion images using ten objective quality assessment algorithms of image fusion. The results indicated that some algorithms could prove wavelet packet transform better than wavelet transform, but the other could not. It concludes that wavelet packet transform is not necessarily more dominant than wavelet on fusion of CT and PET images, advise to choose appropriate transform according to the actual needs.
出处 《信息技术》 2014年第6期96-98,共3页 Information Technology
关键词 小波变换 小波包变换 图像融合 CT PET wavelet transform wavelet packets transform image fusion CT PET
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