

The Structures of Ideographic Chinese Characters and Image Schema Thoughts
摘要 文章探讨了汉字构造与意象图式思维之间的关系。构造反映意象图式的表意汉字有两类:一类是汉字的形体直接模拟了造字主体心智中的意象图式,并藉字形表达事物的关系或动态模式概念。另一类是汉字的构造所反映的是认知主体心智中的意象,意象图式即蕴涵于字形所表达的意象中,且在意义的表达中起着决定性的作用。字形结构蕴涵有相同意象图式的表意汉字所表达的意义往往相同或相近。汉字是华夏先民的认知成果,对汉字构造中意象图式的研究,有助于了解华夏先民的认知心理,并进一步认识汉字构造的理据和规律。 The paper explores the relationship between the structures of Chinese characters and image schema thoughts. The ide- ographic Chinese characters with image schema structures can be divided into two categories : ① The structures of the Chinese charac- ters in this category directly imitate the image schemata in the mind of the character creators, and in that way express the ideas of things' relationships and dynamic patterns.②The structures of the Chinese characters in this category reflect the images in the mind of the character creators, which contain the corresponding image schemata. The image schemata in the structure images are determinant in what meanings are conveyed by the characters, and the ideographie Chinese characters whose structures embody the same image schema express identical or similar meanings. Chinese characters are the products of Chinese ancestors' cognition, and the research on image schemata reflected in Chinese characters' structures contributes to understanding the cognitive patterns of Chinese ancestors, and further helps understand the motivations and principles in Chinese characters.
作者 周运会
出处 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期94-97,共4页 Journal of University of South China(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"基于<说文解字>字(词)汇隐喻语料库的汉英隐喻语言模式比较"资助(编号:12BYY005)
关键词 汉字 意象 意象图式 隐喻 Chinese characters image image schema metaphor
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