
组织间关系形态的演变与发展框架研究 被引量:5

A Study on the Evolution and the Development Framework of Inter-organizational Relationship Forms
摘要 组织间关系不仅表现为一种关系形态,同时也是一种资源和能力的获取形态,它是由组织节点之间的联结所生成的资源,是一种无形的关系资源,是企业获得竞争优势的关键资源。组织间关系形态是指组织间相互依赖的关系形式,主要分为对偶关系、价值星系和虚拟整合网络三种形式,其中对偶关系是组织间关系形态的基础,价值星系和虚拟整合网络关系是构建组织间关系的核心。社会逻辑观深刻地诠释了组织间关系形态的形成机理,是组织间关系形态的理论基础。 Inter-organizational relationships (IORs) are not only a form of relationship, but also a form for resources and abilities acquiring. They are intangible relationship resources, which are linked by organizational nodes. IORs can serve as a significant source of competitive advantage of enterprises. Inter-organizational relationship forms are the states of inter-organizational interdependence, which can be categorized into three categories: dyadic relationship, value constellation and virtual integration network.The dyadic relationship is the basis of IOR forms, and the value constellation and the virtual integration network are the core of IORs. Social logics deeply interpret the formation mechanism of IORs and are the theoretical foundation of inter-organizational relationships forms.
作者 马柯航
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 2014年第9期5-10,共6页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 山西省软科学基金项目(2013041061-02)
关键词 组织间关系 社会逻辑观 对偶关系 价值星系 虚拟整合 inter-organizational relationships social logic view dyadic relationship value constellation virtual integration
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