
东魏北齐国家权力结构新论——以怀朔镇勋贵任官为中心 被引量:8

A Fresh Discussion of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi State Power Structure:Focusing on the Appointments of the Barons from Huaishuo Defense Command
摘要 从对怀朔镇勋贵群体任官的统计分析看,东魏北齐国家军政最核心、最重要的权力,基本上被高欢及北齐诸帝授给高氏宗亲,怀朔镇勋贵群体在统治集团中的地位和权力仅次于高氏宗亲而高于其他派别。怀朔镇勋贵在六镇暴动时就跟随高欢东征西讨,拥有显赫的战功和资历,在由六镇鲜卑组成的东魏北齐军队中享有极高威望。这些均非年轻的高氏宗亲成员所能比。高欢及北齐诸帝虽将关键军政权力交给高氏宗亲,但高氏宗亲大多没有威望、资历和战功,很难离开怀朔镇勋贵单独领军作战。由此,怀朔镇勋贵仍然能够分享东魏北齐国家的一大部分军政实权,维持在东魏北齐统治集团中仅次于高氏宗亲的政治地位。同时,被授予军政大权的高氏宗亲在行驶权力时,也离不开怀朔镇勋贵的协助与支持。在长期的军事征战和政务处理中,高氏宗亲与原本就有姻亲和同乡关系的怀朔镇勋贵群体在军政事务上相互配合,这必然会对北齐诸帝的皇权产生直接威胁。因此,怀朔镇勋贵与高氏宗亲一样,成为高欢及北齐诸帝限制、猜忌、打压的主要对象。这是决定东魏北齐国家权力结构变动的主轴。 It can be viewed , from the statistics on the appointments of the barons of Huaishuo Defense Command, that Gao Huan and other Northern Qi emperors gave the core power to the royal kins of Gao House, and the barons of Huaishuo Defense Command obtained status and power next to the royal kins and above other parties. The barons of Huaishuo Defense Command took part in Gao Huan' s cause since the time of Six Defense Commands Uprisings, obtained brilliant military achievements and enjoyed a high reputation in the army. These could not be compared with by the young members of the royal kins. Though Gao Huan and other Northern Qi emperors gave the pivotal political and military power to their kins, but, due to low prestige and insufficient experience, the latter's command of army could not be implemented without support of the barons of Huaishuo Defense Command. So, the barons of Huaishuo Defense Command could still share most part of the political and military power, and maintain political status next to the royal kins in the ruling clique of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi. Meanwhile, the royal kins who were granted political and military power could not carry out power without the cooperation and support of the barons of Huaishuo Defense Command. During the long period of wars and political affairs, the royal kins and the barons of Huaishuo Defense Command, closely related in blood or in locality, cooperated very well, which would surely be a direct threat to the imperial power of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi. Therefore, the barons of Huaishuo Defense Command,as well as the royal kins of Gao clan, became target of containning policy of the emperors of the Northern Qi, who aimed at maintaining their sovereignty by making use of the Barbarian and Han aristocrats and favorites in the ruling clique. This is the principal axis which determined the changes of the power structure of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi.
作者 薛海波
出处 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期39-54,共16页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"5~6世纪北边六镇豪强酋帅社会地位演变研究"(11CZS022)阶段性成果 江苏省教育厅"青蓝工程"资助(编号12QLG005)
关键词 东魏北齐 怀朔镇勋贵 权力结构 统治集团 高氏宗亲 Eastern Wei and Northern Qi the barons of Huaishuo Defense Command power structure ruling clique Royal kins of Gao House
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