"parrot's Story" is a long history of comic-style story interspersed compilation of storiesfrom ancient India aparrot story 72." In 1992, Xinjiang ancient books do together researchers Nijat Muhlisand Ahemat Himit in "parrot story book"based on the consolidation of two Chagatai literature publishedUighur version of"parrot story "about this version is not much studied. This collection of stories as "parrotStory 72" from India to explore China^s Xinjiang cultural exchanges with India is of great significance.From the literary motif into the corner of the "parrot's story" The demand picture-title Revenge MotifMotif type, backplane test Motif Motif and so on for a more in-depth discussion on further analysis of itsdeeper meaning, put forward their own theoretical thinking and views.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition