
粉丝文本生产的三种路径——基于对百度贴吧的考察 被引量:11

Three Paths of Fan Text Reproduction:Based on the Field Research in Baidu Post Bar
摘要 以web2.0为代表的新媒体技术催生了用户生成内容的理论与实践,进而演变成一种全新的媒介文化样式——参与文化。而当粉丝族群来到新媒体时代,便迅速成为这场参与浪潮中的一股主力军,在国内最大的粉丝文化聚集地——百度贴吧平台上,粉丝们通过三种典型路径展开微观亚文化层面的文本再生产,同时亦折射出宏观文化浪潮的些许脉络:热衷读图与图说的"图像化阐释",彰显视觉化生存的思维逻辑;偏好手绘与手工的"自助式复制",则以"手"代替"眼"的体验,呈现出对电子视像文化的反向补充,用去经济化的生产表达出对消费主义文化的逆向抵抗;而拼贴和拟像的"融合性创造",则又不自觉地以浸染与消解的后现代思维潜意识模仿着当代媒介产业跨媒介的生产运作模式。 The new media technology represented by web 2.0 has given rise to Content), and become a new style of media culture participatory culture the theory and practice of UGC(User Generated When fans groups came to the new media age, they quickly become a main force in the wave of participatory. In baidu post bar, which is the nation's largest fans gathering place, fans through three typical path reproduct text at the micro level. These pathes contain a deeper cultural meaning: image interpretation reveals the logic of visual survival; self-replication means that the reverse complement of the electronic visual culture, the reverse resistance of the commodity economy; cross-media translation bears the copy of the media industry model, and subtle imitation of the post-modern thinking.
作者 陈彧
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期119-125,共7页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 四川省教育厅人文社科项目"新媒体技术条件下的粉丝创造力研究"(13SB0313)阶段性成果
关键词 粉丝 文本生产 参与文化 视觉生存 自助性复制 媒介融合 fans text reproduction participatory culture visual survival do it youself media convergence
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