目的 研究钙通道阻滞剂是否减轻低温保存下肝细胞的钙超载并起到保护肝脏的作用。方法 低温保存大鼠肝细胞于不同时限 ,按保存液的不同成分分组 :( 1)对照组 :DMEM液 ;( 2 )实验I组 :DMEM液 +Verapamil(维拉帕米 ) ;( 3)实验II组 :DMEM液 +Nifedipine(硝苯地平 ) ;( 4)实验III组 :DMEM液 +Diltiazem(硫氮卓酮 )。用Fura 2法测定低温保存下的大鼠肝细胞内钙和肝功能 ,并在光镜和电镜下观察肝脏的结构。结果 细胞内钙及肝功能测定 ,各实验组与对照组差异显著 ;组织学观察 ,保存 0~ 48h各实验组损伤明显低于对照组。结论 钙通道阻滞剂对低温保存肝脏有保护作用 ,且三类药物中维拉帕米作用最强 。
Objective To study whether the calcium channel blockers can alleviate calcium overload to protect liver function during cold storage. Methods The rat liver cells were preserved hypothermically for different intervals and divided into various groups in terms of preserved solutions: control group with DMEM solution, experimental group Ⅰ with DMEM solution plus Verapamil, experimental group Ⅱ with DMEM solution plus nifedipine, experimental group Ⅲ with DMEM solution plus diltiazem. Fura(2 method was used to measure the intracellular calcium of the rat hepatocytes and liver function during cold storage. The hepatocytic structure was observed under light and electron microscopy. Results There was significant difference between the experimental groups and control group in intracellular calcium concentration and liver function. The histological injury at 0 to 48?h of cold storage in the experimental groups was obviously milder than that in the control group. Conclusion Calcium channel blockers could protect the hypothermically preserved rat liver. Verapamil was the strongest agent of the three blockers.
Chinese Journal of Organ Transplantation
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