目的 探讨应用雌激素与α1 受体阻滞剂治疗良性前列腺增生症 (BPH)以降低医疗费用。 方法 采用己烯雌酚加哌唑嗪联合治疗 80例BPH病人 (试验组 )并与 80例采用非那雄胺 高特灵联合治疗组 (对照组 )及 80例空白对照组 (空白组 )进行比较 ,总结两组药物的疗效。 结果 空白组病人使用安慰剂 2 0周后国际前列腺症状评分 (IPSS)及最大尿流率 (MFR)无明显改善 ,试验组病人IPSS评分与MFR明显改善 ,分别为 6 2 %和 34% ;对照组IPSS评分及MFR改善率 82 %和5 3 % ,两组生活质量评分 (QOL)及前列腺体积改善差别不大 ,试验组药费仅为对照组的 1/ 10。 结论 雌激素与α1 受体阻滞剂联合应用治疗BPH有一定疗效 ,虽改善指标高值不及药物对照组 ,但价格低 ,副作用可以接受 ,可以作为一种有效、安全、廉价的治疗方案。
Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect and the cost of combined use of diethylstilbestrol and α 1 receptor antagonist in treating hyperplasia prostate. Methods From March 1998 to June 1999,diethylstilbestrol plus prazosin were used to treat 80 cases of hyperplasia prostate (test group)in eight hospitals,and their effect was compared with the group of proscar plus hytrin(control group)and the blank control(the latter two groups were each with the same number of cases as the first). Results Twenty weeks after the administration of placebo(blank control group)the IPSS scores and MFR did not obviously improve,but in the test group the rate of improvement in IPSS and MFR was 62% and 34%,respectively,and that in the control group was still higher(82% and 53%,respectively).However,the drug cost in the test group was only one tenth of that in the control group. Conclusions Combined administration of diethylstilbestrol and α 1 recptor antagonist is quite effective in treating hyperplasia prostate.Although proscar and hytrin a little more effective but they are expensive.Diethylstilbestrol and prazosin cost a little and their combined is effective and safe and is recommended.
Chinese Journal of Urology
广东省卫生厅青年基金!会资助项目 [粤科计字 1998110 ]