目的 探索氟化牛奶在口腔局部的防龋作用机制。方法 利用口内装置 ,采用交叉对照的试验方法 ,观察氟化牛奶在口腔局部的再矿化作用和抗龋作用。结果 氟化牛奶有明显的再矿化作用 ,本试验条件下未观察到抗龋作用。结论 氟化牛奶在口腔局部的作用机制主要是再矿化。
Objective To explore the local mechanism of caries prevention of fluoridated milk.Methods Decalcified bovine enamel blocks were set onto each removable appliance worn by 8 subjects divided into two groups.Each group subjects drank F-milk and F-water twice a day respectively for 28 days in a cross-over fashion.Results Both two groups had their active effects in remineralization and even better effect remineralization in F-milk than F-water,but anti-caries effect was not observed in both groups.Conclusion The local mechanism of fluoridated milk is to facilitate the remineralization of enamel mainly.
Journal of Modern Stomatology