目的 了解东莞市其他感染性腹泻流行病学及病原学特征,探讨其流行规律,为制定防控策略提供科学依据.方法 对东莞市2011年疾病监测信息报告管理系统中报告的其他感染性腹泻病例资料进行描述性流行病学分析.结果 2011年东莞市共报告其他感染性腹泻6 875例,发病率为83.63/10万.2岁以下病例占报告病例总数的65.76%,10 ~12月为发病高峰.病原学诊断病例占报告病例总数的9.75%,其中轮状病毒感染占94.63%,沙门菌感染占4.03%,轮状病毒感染病例中2岁以下的占89.12%.结论 秋冬季是东莞市感染性腹泻的高发季节,2岁以下儿童是高危人群,该年龄组儿童也是感染轮状病毒的主要人群.
Objective To analyze the epidemiological and etiological characteristics of infectious diarrhea in Dong- guan city in 2011, and to provide basis for prevention and control measures. Methods Descriptive epidemio- logical analysis was conducted on the data of infectious diarrhea reported from national disease reporting infor- mation system in Dongguan, 2011. Results Altogether 6, 875 cases of infectious diarrhea were reported in 2011, with the incidence rate of 83.63/lakh, and 65.76% of the cases were the children below 2 years old'. The incidence peaked in October to December. A proportion of 9. 75% of the cases were laboratory - con- firmed, among these cases rotavirus infection accounted for 94. 63%, and salmonella took 4.03%. Children less than 2 years old accounted for 89. 12% of the rotavirus infection cases. Conclusion The children below 2 years old were the high - risk population of infectious diarrhea, and the incidence peaked in autumn and win- ter. Rotavirus was the major pathogen, especially among the children below 2 years old.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information