
“图书馆之城”的云之路——以深圳图书馆为例 被引量:1

Cloud Road of The Library City:Taking the Practice of Shenzhen Library as an Example
摘要 云时代的到来,为深圳"图书馆之城"的大力发展提供了契机。论文结合深圳图书馆行业现状,提出了一种基于虚拟化技术为全市图书馆行业构建云服务的思路,给出建设方法,突出云时代数字图书馆为读者提供服务的新优势。 The arrival of the cloud era provides a vigorously development opportunity to the "Library City". Combining the Shenzhen library profession situation, this paper proposes one kind of idea based on the virtualization technology, that is to construct cloud services for the Shenzhen library industry, gives the method of construction, highlights the new readers service advantage of the digital library in the cloud era.
作者 成星
机构地区 深圳图书馆
出处 《新世纪图书馆》 CSSCI 2014年第6期61-64,共4页 New Century Library
关键词 云计算 云服务 虚拟技术 服务器虚拟化 网络虚拟化 存储虚拟化 Cloud computing. Cloud services. Virtualization technology. Server Virtualization. Network virtualization. Storagevirtualization.
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