根据师范专业英语教学实践中的经验,探讨了EB White写的三本童话故事在教学中的运用,主要就故事对师范专业学生思想上的启示,包括在工作中应该如何面对弱小的问题、“坏”学生的问题、惩罚的问题、差异的问题以及树立什么样价值观的问题进行了讨论?以及就如何在教学中使用这3本书提供了一些建议。
Based on the practical experience in English classes given to the students in teacher training, this paper discusses the application of the three fairy tales written by E B White. Using the tales to enlighten students to think about how to treat the weak students, the "bad" students, how to use penalty, how to treat students with different ideas and what professional values to establish, this article also recommends some teaching techniques in using the three tales.
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