1Manage Risk to Improve Public Service. Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (Britain). HC 1078 - 1 Session 2003 -2004:22 October 2004. London : the Stationary Office. 2004.
2National Infrastructure Protection Plan. Department of Homeland Security (USA). 2006.
3Supporting Innovation: Managing Risk in Government Departments (Britain). NAO, 1999 -2000 (HC 864).
4Managing Risk in Government Departments. Committee of Public Accounts First Report (Britain), 2001 -2002 (HC 336).
5Managing Risk to Improve Public Services. Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. HC 1078 - 1 Session 2003 -2004 : 22 October 2004.
6Publication of the Cabinet Office Strategy Unit report. Risk:Improving Government's Capability to Handle Risk and Uncertainty. NAO. Managing Risks to Improve Public Services, October 2004.