

Ambulatory assessment of human segmental orientation using accelerometers
摘要 介绍了一种采用双传感器差分算法分析人体肢段双向偏转角并进行肢段定位的新方法;基于本方法开发了一套使用三轴加速度计的可穿戴式传感系统,用于获取和分析下肢肢段前后摆角和左右偏转角信息。为了评估本方法,将该系统分别在二自由度机械臂和受验志愿者大腿上进行了测试。结果表明:在理想条件下,只使用加速度计组成可穿戴式传感系统,通过测量髋关节和大腿上的加速度,就可以得到人体局部坐标系内下肢段定向的动态分析。 A new method using a double-sensor difference based algorithm for analyzing human segment rotational angles in two directions for segmental orientation analysis in three-dimensional (3D) space was presented. A wearable sensor system based only on triaxial accelerometers was developed to obtain the pitch and yaw angles of thigh segment with an aecelerometer approximating translational acceleration of the hip joint and two accelerometers measuring the actual accelerations on the thigh. To evaluate the method, the system was tested on a mechanical arm of two degrees of freedom and on the thighs of eight volunteer subjects. The results show that, without integration and switching between different sensors, using only one kind of sensor, the wearable sensor system is suitable for ambulatory analysis of normal gait orientation of thigh and shank in two directions of the segmentfixed local coordinate system in 3D space. It can then be applied to assess spatio-temporal gait parameters and monitoring the gait function of patients in clinical settings.
出处 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期1016-1023,共8页 Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(81101138) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2011M500601) 长春市社会发展科技计划项目(2012111-12SF39)
关键词 生物医学工程 双传感器差分算法 可穿戴传感器系统 肢段定位 biomedical engineering double-sensor difference based algorithm wearable sensor system segmental orientation
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