数十年来,某些社区的居民对于选择他们喜爱的当地美食意见有分歧(注:此处divided指分裂的,也就是人们对最具代表性的美食意见不同)。考虑到种种引发争议与偏爱的餐点,旅游网站“虚拟游客”(Virtual Tourist.com)的会员与编辑于是提出了“十大经典美食与找寻这些美食的最佳地点”。
For decades, residents in certain communities have been divided by their chosen favorite of the local cuisine. With the foods that spark controversy and favoritism in mind, the members and editors of travel website VirtualTourist.com came up with the "Top lO Iconic Foods and the Best Spots to Find Them".