目的建立能实际用于临床的测定血浆非蛋白结合铁的方法。方法选取正常和窒息新生儿各 10例 ,分别用校正和传统博来霉素法测定其脐血浆非蛋白结合铁含量 ,并比较两者的标准曲线、回收率和 t检验结果。结果传统博来霉素法测定血浆非蛋白结合铁用于临床血样时 ,回收率只有 32左右 ,基体效应明显。结果不可靠用基体血浆克服基体效应后 ,发现正常和窒息新生儿脐血浆非蛋白结合铁含量差别增大 ,t检验差异具显著性。且回收试验提示回收率达 10 1%左右。结论用克服基体效应的博来霉素法测得的血浆非蛋白结合铁其数值客观反映临床实际情况 。
Objective To establish a practical method of detecting cord plasma nonprotein bound iron(NPBI). Methods Of 20 cord plasma samples,10 of mormal, 10 of asphyxial newborns, respectively, their NPBI were investigated by traditional and corrected bloemycin assay. Their standard curves, recovery rates and t-test statistical results were compared. Results We found the cord plasma NPBI were lower detected by traditional bleomycin assay in normal and asphyxial newborns, their recovery rate was only about 32%. There is an obviousely matrix effect. Though the NPBI of normal and asphyxial newborns had still significant difference by t-test,the NPBI values were so low that it's easily disturbed and difficult to practice on clinical use. The detected results were improved by matrix effec-free bleomycin assay. Their recovery rates were reached about 101% and the NPBI values had statistical significant difference between normal and asphyxial newborn. Conclusion The matrix effec-free bleomycin assay is a stable, real and better method to estimate the concentration of plasma NPBI practically on clinical use.
Shanghai Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences