探讨应用荧光标记STRs复合扩增技术能够检测出混合血样品中较少个体成份的最低检出量及所占的比例多少与基因型的峰值高低是否存在一定的剂量反应关系。采用荧光标记STRs复合扩增技术 ,分析 4对两无关男 /女的混合血样品。扩增基因座包括D8S1179、D2 1S11、D18S5 1、D3S135 8、vWA、FGA、D5S818、D13S317、D7S82 0及性别Amelogeine。结果表明 ,对经用酚 /氯仿有机溶剂方法提取的混合血样品中较少成份的最低检出量为 ,能够从10ng混合DNA中检出 1ng的较少成份 ;从 10∶90至 5 0∶5 0 5个不同比例组 ,较少成份所占比例多少与其对应基因型峰值的高低呈现一定的正相关趋势。
For the purpose of estimating the minimal amount of the minor DNA component from the mixed blood samples and see whether there were a relationship between the different proportions of blood and the peak values of the gene.We had analyzed the mixed blood samples from 4 pairs of two unrelated male/female individuals by the fluorescent multiplex amplification technique.The loci included D8S1179, D21S11,D18S51,D3S1358,vWA, FGA, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820,and Amelogenin. The results showed that the minimal detecting amount of minor component was 1ng DNA in 10ng mixed DNA samples by phneol/chloroform extracting method. From 10∶90 to 50∶50 five proportion groups, the minor component DNA exhibited a positive relationship with the peak values of gene in the corresponding genotypes.So that,the identification of mixed blood samples can be solved by the fluorecent multiplex STRs amplification technique.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine