

The Gender Identity Dilemma of Mick in "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter"
摘要 卡森·麦卡勒斯(1917-1967)是20世纪美国文学史上一位颇具影响力的作家。作为一名具有强烈社会责任感的作家,麦卡勒斯高度关注人类生存境况。她的首部小说《心是孤独的猎手》(1940)就突出地表现了这一主题。本文从萨特存在主义出发旨在探讨《心是孤独的猎手》中的人物米克面临生存困境时的自由选择。在南方淑女为规范形象的社会压力下,米克的男性性情与女性身体之间的冲突使她备受折磨。最终她选择模仿传统妇女形象。通过描写米克的挣扎、痛苦,麦卡勒斯成功地激起大众对处于父权制文化下女性生存困境的关注。 Carson McCullers(1917 - 1967)is one of the most important American writers in the twentieth century. As a writer with a high sense of social responsibility,McCullers cares about the existential situation of human beings,which is best expressed in her novel "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter"(1940). This thesis approaches the novel by studying the free choice made by Mick in her dilemma from the perspective of Satrean′s existentialism. Under the social pressure of becoming the Southern Belle,Mick is tortured by the conflicts between her masculine persona and feminine body and she finally chooses to imitate the traditional stereotype for women. In describing Mick′s struggling and panic,McCullers succeeds in arousing the public attention to dilemma of women′s existence in the patriarchal culture.
作者 张曼
出处 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 2014年第3期117-118,共2页 Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College
关键词 卡森·麦卡勒斯 《心是孤独的猎手》 自由选择 Carson McCullers The Heart is a Lonely Hunter free choice
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