本文将 Chirp- z变换方法用于超声多普勒血流信号的测量 ,利用该方法的局部频谱分析能力 ,有效实现了血流声谱图的局部放大。该方法可以在高采样频率条件下实现低流速血流信号的局部可视化 ,同时由于局部范围内采样分辨率的提高 ,将获得更细致的血流声谱图。为测试该方法的有效性 ,将实测超声血流数据用该方法进行处理 ,成功地将低流速血流信号进行了局部放大。
It is introduced in this paper that the Chirp-z transform was used for ultrasound Doppler blood flow sonogram. This method has the capability of regional spectral analysis, it can effectively zoom a part of Doppler blood flow sonogram. Even if the sampling rate is high, the method makes part of a low blood flow signal clearly visible in frequency domain, and more detailed blood flow sonogram can be obtained. Real blood flow data was processed by using chirp-z transform. Parts of the low blood flow signal can be amplified. The results correspond with theoretical analysis.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
国家自然科学基金!资助项目 (39770 2 18)