本文提出了视频会议技术在 PACS尤其在其超声子系统中应用的新思路。它将目前电视会议厂商的成熟技术运用在医院的 PACS建设上 ,为 PACS中最难实现的超声子系统找到了很好的解决方案。实现了超声子系统中动态图像的实时交换 ,和交互的实时性 ,极大提高了效率。文中还详细说明了如何选取图像格式、如何建立操作连接、如何选择网络传输方式等具体问题。
Playing an important role in PACS, the ultrasonic subsystem works as the image source and image processing center together with radiological workstation. However, what makes it different is that it not only works with normal static images but also processes real-time dynamic images of Color Doppler. In order to acquire ultrasonic static images, the subsystem should have capabilities to manipulate real-time dynamic images, help doctors' to do diagnosis, work out reports and store images etc. So it needs tremendous investigation and careful tests to construct a versatile stable system. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme on how to construct ultrasonic subsystem and explain it with detailed work flow and software frame. We also discuss how to extend the system.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering