采用OPC自动化接口开发隧道监控软件,当添加监控数据项超过2 000条时,响应时间超过了5 s.为此,提出在进行OPC隧道监控软件开发时,采用分布式通信的系统架构,并应用订阅及同步数据通信方式,使优化后的软件可满足数据点数众多的长大隧道或隧道群等实际应用环境的需求.该软件目前已应用于昆明绕城高速西北段隧道群,现场实测结果显示控制响应时间为1~2 s.
The tests of the tunnel monitoring software with the ()PC automation interface indicate that its response time becomes over 5s when monitoring points reaches 2000 or more, which is normal in long tunnel or tunnel group applications. This paper proposes the distributed communication system architecture along with subscription and synchronous data communication to solve the problem. The system developed according to the concepts has been installed at the North West section of the Kunming beltway tunnel group. The measured control response time is within the range of 1-2 s.
Journal of Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute