
乌鲁木齐市脑力劳动者职业紧张调查分析 被引量:5

Investigation and analysis on occupational stress of mental workers in Urumqi city
摘要 目的对脑力劳动者进行工作紧张测量问卷(Job Sress survey,JSS)调查,了解乌鲁木齐市脑力劳动者的职业紧张水平,为控制脑力劳动者职业紧张、降低职业危害提供科学的理论依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样的方法抽取乌鲁木齐市脑力劳动者1 100人进行工作紧张测量问卷(JSS)调查。结果女性脑力劳动者职业紧张水平高于男性;不同民族、不同婚姻状况脑力劳动者职业紧张差异无统计学意义(民族:t=1.808,P=0.125;婚姻状况:t=1.258,P=0.225);工龄短的脑力劳动者职业紧张水平高于工龄长的;高级职称的脑力劳动者职业紧张水平高于初级职称者;科学技术人员职业紧张水平高于公务员;经济收入≥1 500元的脑力劳动者职业紧张水平高于经济收入<1500元者。多元线性回归分析显示:主要影响脑力劳动者职业紧张的因素是工龄、经济收入、工作压力和组织支持缺乏。结论乌鲁木齐市脑力劳动者职业紧张水平存在人口学差异。 Abstract: Objective To have an overview of the occupational stress status in mental workers in Urumqi, using Job Sress Survey (JSS) questionnaire, understanding of the occupational stress level knowledge workers in Urumqi , to provide scientific basis for control occupational stress on mental workers, and to reduce occupa-tional hazard. Methods tion sampling. Results Questionnaires on JSS among 1, 100 mental workers by using randomized stratifica- The result of comparison showed that female had heavier occupational stress than male among mental workers; It had no statistically significant difference in occupational stress when comparison made among different nations and marital statuses (nation: t = 1. 808, P =0. 125 ; marital status: t = 1. 258, P = 0. 225 ) ; The short work - length were heavier occupational stress than the long work - length ; Mental workers with senior professional title had remarkably higher occupational stress than mental workers with junior professional title; higher occupational stress in science, technology personnel than that in civil servant; ≥ 1500 yuan earning group had heavier occupational stress than ≤ 1500 yuan earning group among mental workers. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the major factors, which have great effect on occupational stress in mental workers, are lengths of service, earnings, job pressure and lacking of organizational support. Conclusions There are demographic differences on occupational stress in mental workers.
出处 《医学动物防制》 2014年第6期640-642,共3页 Journal of Medical Pest Control
关键词 职业紧张 脑力劳动者 影响因素 Occupational stress Mental workers Affecting factors
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