
左炔诺孕酮纳米载药缓释复合材料对人精子活力及超微结构的影响 被引量:2

Effects of sustained-released levonorgestrel nanoparticle composites on human sperm motility and ultrastructure
摘要 目的:研究左炔诺孕酮纳米载药聚乳酸(PLA)-聚苯乙烯(PS)复合材料对人精子活力及超微结构影响。方法正常生育男性精液,经密度梯度离心处理后分为空膜组、载药膜组和正常对照组,分别与PLA-PS复合生物膜(空膜)、左炔诺孕酮纳米载药PLA-PS复合生物膜(载药膜)共培养24h,以未加膜培养的精子作为对照,计算机辅助精液分析(CASA)检测精子活力,透射电镜下观察各组精子超微结构的变化。结果(1)共培养24h后各组间精子活力差异无明显统计学意义(P>0.05);(2)空膜组精子的超微结构与对照组无明显差别;(3)载药膜组精子的顶体波浪状改变,顶体缺损或消失,质膜溶解,线粒体空泡样变,凋亡精子及崩解精子与空膜组及对照组比较明显增加。结论 PLA-PS复合材料本身对人精子活力及超微结构无明显影响,加入左炔诺孕酮纳米载药的PLA-PS复合材料可使精子超微结构改变,促进精子凋亡,为左炔诺孕酮纳米载药PLA-PS复合材料作为一种安全有效的新型生物可降解纳米载药宫内节育系统提供了进一步的实验依据。 Objective To investigate the effects of levonorgestrel-loaded nanoparticle composites on human sperm motility and ultrastructure. Methods Semen samples from normal reproductive males were collected anddivided into empty biofilm (polylactic acid-polystyrene composite biofilm) group, drug-loaded biofilm(levonorgestrel-loaded nanoparticle polylactic acid-polystyrene composite biofilm) group and normal control group. After co-culture with empty biofilm or drug-loaded biofilm for 24 hours, sperm motilityand sperm ultrastructure were detected by CASA and transmission electron microscope respectively. Results (1) No significant differences were observed in sperm motility among groups. (2) Compared with that of the control group, no obvious difference in sperm ultrastructure was found in empty biofilm group. (3) Remarkable differences were observed in drug-loaded biofilmgroup such as wavy change, defect or disappearance of acrosome, plasma membrane dissolved, vacuolar degeneration of mitochondria, as well as a significant increase in sperm apoptosis and disintegration of sperm. Conclusion Polylactic acid - polystyrene composites itself has no effects on human sperm motility and ultrastructure, levonorgestrel-loaded nanoparticle polylactic acid-polystyrene composites has obvious effect on human sperm acrosome, plasma membrane, mitochondria and promotes sperm apoptosis, which provides the theoretical basis for further study of biodegradable sustained-released nanoparticle drug-loaded intrauterine contraceptive system.
出处 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期7-10,共4页 Chinese Journal of Andrology
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(81100421) 江苏省科技支撑计划.社会发展项目(BE2010698)
关键词 纳米医学 左炔诺孕酮 精子 避孕 nanomedicine levonorgestrel spermatozoa contraception
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