

摘要 目的了解4-氨基吡啶(4-AP)对成年及老年C57Bl6J野生型小黑鼠条件性恐惧记忆形成的影响及其可能机制。方法采用场景前置性条件恐惧记忆测试、条件性场景恐惧记忆测试及条件性声音恐惧记忆测试3种行为学模型,检测老年及成年C57Bl6J野生型小鼠急性腹腔注射4-AP(1mg/kg)后对各场景恐惧反应,以生理盐水腹腔注射作为对照组,用僵直时间占总测试时间的百分比(僵直时间%)来表示小鼠的恐惧程度。结果在场景前置性条件恐惧记忆测试中,足底电击24h后,老年小鼠和成年小鼠的僵直时间%差异有显著性(t=3.32,P<0.01);4-AP急性腹腔注射后,对照组和实验组老年小鼠的僵直时间%差异有显著性(t=2.94,P<0.05),对照组和实验组成年小鼠僵直时间%差异无显著性(P>0.05)。在条件性场景恐惧记忆测试及条件性声音恐惧记忆测试中,4-AP急性腹腔注射后,在短期恐惧记忆(30min)及长期恐惧记忆(24h)测试中,对照组和实验组老年小鼠的僵直时间%差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论老年小鼠不能形成对场景前置的恐惧记忆,应用4-AP可在一定程度上改善衰老引起的认知障碍。 Objective To study the possible effect and mechanisms of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) on conditioning fear memory (CFM) formation in adult and aged C57Bl6J mice. Methods Using three kinds of ethological models-pre-exposure conditioning fear memory test (PECFMT), contextual fear conditioning (CFC) and auditory fear conditioning (AFC)-the fear reactions in the experimental mice after peritoneal injection of 4-AP (1 mg/kg) to each scene were recorded, those peritoneal injection of nromal saline served as controls. The extent of fear was demonstrated by percentage of freezing time/total testing time (freezing time%). Results In PECFMT, the difference of percentage of freezing time between adult and aged mice 24 h after foot-sole electric shock was significant (t=3.32,P〈0.01). Significant freezing time difference was also observed in aged mice treated by 4-AP administration compared to the control group (t=2.94,P〈0.05), but the difference of that between adult mice was not significant (P〉0.05). In CFC and AFC tests, after rapid peritoneal injection of 4-AP, the differences of freezing time of the aged mice between the control and experimental groups were not significant in terms of short-term (30 min) and long-term (24 h) fear memory (P〉0.05). Conclusion Pre-exposure conditioning fear memory is unable to be formed in aged mice, the application of 4-AP may to a certain degree improve cognition caused by aging.
出处 《青岛大学医学院学报》 CAS 2014年第3期213-216,共4页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Qingdao Universitatis
关键词 4-氨基吡啶 衰老 记忆 小鼠 近交C57BL 4-Aminopyridine aging memory mice, inbred C57BL
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