进入 2 1世纪的中国 ,必将能够成为WTO中的一员 ,而对“入世”的机遇和挑战 ,中国金融业已全面进入战略调整的状态。作为基层支行也应未雨绸缪 ,积极应对。本文试从目前我国外资金融业的状况 ,分析加入WTO后对中国金融业的影响 ,结合银行的业务经营和管理 ,就基层支行的应对措施 ,提出粗浅认识。
There is no doubt on China′s accression to WTO during the 21st century Facing with the opportunities and challenges,the Chinese financial industry has completely adjusted its strategy and the basic level subbranches also take an active part in it Based on the current situation of foreign financial industry in our country as well as the management and administration of Chinese banks,this thesis tries to analyza the influence on Chinese financial industry after entering WTO and offers some countermeasures for the basic level subbranch
Journal of Guangzhou Finance & Trade Management Institute