
一种基于声卡的CAPs检测系统的研制 被引量:1

Sound card-based CAPs detection system
摘要 听神经复合动作电位(CAPs)的阈值曲线和调谐曲线分别反映了听神经系统对刺激声的强度灵敏度和频率灵敏度。为了全面、客观、方便地提取听神经系统的信息,该文基于多媒体外置声卡、使用C#语言编写对声卡的控制程序设计了CAPs检测系统,实现了对声音刺激下CAPs电信号的采集,并获取了用于表征听神经系统功能状况的CAP阈值曲线和调谐曲线。该系统为听神经复合动作电位的检测和后续研究提供了综合、客观的分析研究平台,具有较高的使用价值。 Auditory nerve compound action potential(CAPs)threshold curves reflects the sensitivity of sound intensity while tuning curves reflects the frequency in the auditory nerve system.A CAPs detection system was developed based on an external multimedia sound card and the C# language to simplify data extraction for the auditory nerve system and to obtain more comprehensive and objective information.CAPs,threshold curves and tuning curves were acquired using sound stimulation to study the condition of the auditory nerve system.The system provides a comprehensive and objective analysis platform for detection and research of auditory nerve compound action potentials.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期678-684,共7页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61271133) 教育部博导基金资助项目(20120002110054)
关键词 听神经复合动作电位 阈值曲线 调谐曲线 compound action potentials threshold curves tuning curves
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