通过 1: 8000彩色红外航片解译,将白银市工业“三废”划分为三大类、十二亚类,编制出大 气污染源、固体污染物和污水分布三种专业图件,取得了大量数据,为环保和城建提供了大量有 关基础资料。说明航空遥感是调查工矿区工业“三废”的快速、经济、准确的技术方法。
By interpretation of infrared aerial color photograph on the scale of 1: 8000, industrial 'three pollutants' in Baiyin city are divided into three big classification and twelve sub classification. Three sorts of special drawing of the source of atmospherics pollution. solid pollutant and industrial sewage (distribution have been worked out. and A great mass of data have been given. All these provide a great amount of foundetional information for enrironmenttal protection and urban constrtiction. It shows remote sensing that is a high-speed. economic and accurate method in investigating industrial'three pollutants' in industrialore area.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources