
委托调解的制度要素 被引量:7

The Institutional Elements of Court-entrusted Mediation
摘要 委托调解的正当性和制度功能已为司法政策和国家治理政策所肯定。委托调解的实效发挥有赖于其制度要素的合理改进与持续完善。法院的管辖范围和可适用的审理程序决定着其是否有权进行委托调解。委托调解人应保持组织型和个人型并存的格局,可依次采用共同选定、商请法院确定和法院依职权确定三种方式予以确定。适用委托调解的案件应首先具备"可调性",且不只限于简单民事案件。依职权启动委托调解不会使参加程序的强制变为接受处理结果的强制,且可缓和合意贫困化所带来的机制紧张。处理好立案审查和立案前委托调解启动二者之间的先后关系,立案前委托调解将不会影响到对当事人之裁判请求权的妥当保障。对委托调解之期限的长度确定、延长以及是否从法定期间中扣除离不开谨慎的考量。法院对委托调解协议负有合法性审查义务且依其只能制作民事调解书。委托调解结案可收取更低的案件受理费,但不能免除。 The legitimacy and institutional function of court entrusted mediation has been proved by justice and na tional governance policy. The effectiveness of court entrusted mediation depends on the reasonable and continual improve ment of institutional factors. The jurisdiction and applicative procedure of courts decide whether it is entitled to entrust me diations. The role of court entrusted mediator should be both played by organizations and individuals, confirmed by the methods followed in certain order: mutually agreement, requesting the court to determine and the court determining it ex of fieio. The cases for court entrusted mediation should primarily have the characteristic of reconcilability, not just limited to simple civil cases. The court starting court entrusted mediation by its own initiative means the force of both parties to par ticipating in the procedure rather than accepting the results, which will ease the tension brought by the lack of consensus. If the sequence of case filling investigation and the start of court entrusted mediation before register is properly treated, the court entrusted mediation before register will not affect the guarantee of the litigant' s right of access to justice. For the period of court entrusted mediation, how to determine, when to extend and whether it should be deducted from the statuto ry period are all required serious consideration. The court has the obligation to review the validity of the entrusted mediation agreement and only can make mediation decisions. The acceptance fee of entrusted mediation cases may be lower, but not exempted.
作者 刘加良
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期182-192,共11页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(12CFX049)"人民调解协议司法确认程序研究"
关键词 委托调解 主体要素 客体要素 程序要素 court -entrusted mediation subject element object element procedure element
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