
欧洲中央银行非常规货币政策的退出策略 被引量:7

The Exit Strategy of ECB's Unconventional Monetary Policies
摘要 由于欧洲经济的特殊性,欧洲危机先后经历了金融危机、债务危机和银行危机三个阶段。欧元区的非常规政策调整时机也表现出与其他发达经济体不同的特点。非常规货币政策的退出从来不只是欧洲中央银行的责任,在非常规货币政策完全退出之前,各国政府应该通过财政巩固措施限制其债务比例,加强合作协调,为欧洲中央银行非常规货币政策的完全退出做好充分的准备工作。同时,为了应对外溢效应的负面影响,欧洲中央银行也应该积极参与国际的政策合作。 Given the peculiarity of the European economy, the Euro zone has experienced three phases ofa crisis, namely, a financial crisis, a sovereign debt crisis and a bank crisis. Theunconventional monetary policy adjustments in the zone are also different from otherdeveloped economies. We argue that exit of the unconventional monetary policy is never thesole task of ECB, and before the exit starts, all member states must constrain their debt ratiothrough fiscal consolidation and well coordinate with each other, thus making full preparationfor its complete exit. ECB must actively participate in international cooperation to mitigate thenegative consequences of the'spillover effect'of the exit. This article provides a possible pathfor the exit of the unconventional monetary policy euro zone and anticipates the monetarypolicy framework will be normalized after the crisis.
作者 刘元春 栗亮
出处 《国际经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期79-92,6,共14页 International Economic Review
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  • 1ECB http://www.ecb.europa.eu/mopo/implement/omo/html/communication.en.html.
  • 22009年欧洲管理委员会年度会议记录.
  • 3Jean-Claude Trichet, "The ECB' s Exit Strategy" , Speech at the ECB Watchers Conference, Frankfurt, 4 September 2009.
  • 4Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, "Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy" , Speech at the Center for Monetary and Banking Studies, Geneva, 28 April 2009.
  • 5Minegishi Makoto and Boris Cournede, "Monetary Policy Responses to the Crisis and Exit Strategies" , OECD Economics Department Working Paper, NO.753, 2010.
  • 6Belke Ansgar, "Global Liquidity and Monetary Exit Strategies-options for the Euro Area" , Requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, 2009.
  • 7http://www.vcpost.com/articles/11608/20130720/communication-key-exit-strategy-ecb-s-visco.htm.
  • 8Exit Strategy, Geneva Reports on the World Economy 15, September, 2013.
  • 9Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo, "The Conduct of Monetary Policy-lessons from the Crisis and Challenges for the Coming Years" , Speech at the SEACEN-CEMLE Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 2011.
  • 10Belke Ansgar, "Global Liquidity and Monetary Exit Strategies-options for the Euro Area" , Requested by the European Parliament' s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, 2009.











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