
贫困大学生感恩意识新论 被引量:2

On the thanks giving of the poor college students
摘要 一些贫困大学生在接受资助后缺少感恩,引发了社会各界的讨论。然而,他们缺少感恩意识的部分原因在于资助方式不当。资助方式具有道德性,是激发大学生感恩意识的前提条件。资助者不应因个别贫困大学生缺少感恩意识,就对所有贫困生的资助附加条件。有些资助方式体现的是人与人之间的"交易关系"而非"道德关系";影响了受助者的意志自由;侵犯了受助者的隐私和人格尊严。因而难以激发他们的感恩意识。因此,为提高贫困大学生的感恩意识,资助者在资助时不应强求受助者的个人回报;应根据受助者的贫困程度而非学习成绩来进行资助;应通过公益机构或提供就业岗位的方式来进行资助。 That the poor college students who accept financial aides fail to give thanks back is heatedly debated. The way of aids is of moral properties, a prerequisite for the sense of thanks giving on the part of the college students. The philanthropists should not attach conditions, for the charity does not act as a transaction that is the case with different charities. Beneficiaries need financial aids of different degrees, but they need also dignity and privacy, and for that reason, it is not proper to urge them to give thanks back.
出处 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第4期89-92,共4页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
基金 2010年度湖北省教育厅人文社科科学研究计划项目"论大学生感恩意识的培养--对大学生受助不感恩现象的反思"(2010z2006)
关键词 资助方式 道德性 感恩意识 way of financial aide morality sense of gratitude
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