
作者意图的守护与“确定性”的追寻——对E.D.赫施“意欲类型”概念的解读 被引量:1

The Defense of the Author's Intention and the Inquiry of “Determinacy”——On the Concept of E. D. Hirsch's“Willed Type”
摘要 美国学者赫施坚持通过对作者意图的守护来实现对意义之客观确定性的追寻,而"意欲类型"则成为了支撑其整个理论体系的最重要支柱。依靠同一与多样、过去与未来、明晰与含混的相互交织,意欲类型呈现出了一种"亦此亦彼"的独特逻辑,从而协调了"客观主义"和"相对主义"这两种貌似难以兼容的解释倾向。不过,当赫施将类型得以维系的希望完全寄托于约定俗成的"惯例"之上时,他的理论也相应地暴露出了天真而脆弱的一面。 American scholar Hirsch insists on pursuing the objectivity and determinacy of meaning through the defense of the author's intention, and "willed type" has become one of the most important bases for his theoretical system. Willed type presents a special logic of "both...and" through the interweaving of identity and variety, past and future, as well as clearness and vagueness. By means of this concept, Hirsch effectively coordinates the contradictory tendencies of "objectivism" and "relativism" in interpretation. However, when Hirsch depends exclusively on "convention" to sustain the validity of type, his theory also reveals the weakness of innocence and fragility.
作者 庞弘
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期76-82,共7页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"当代中国社会转型中的视觉文化研究"(项目编号:12JZD019)的阶段性成果
关键词 赫施 作者意图 意欲类型 确定性 惯例 Hirsch the author's intention willed type determinacy convention
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