
变局:1947年的中国西藏——以英国全面收缩对藏政策为视角 被引量:1

Change: Chinese Tibet in 1947——From the Perspective of the Britain's Drawing Back its Tibet Policy in the Round
摘要 "二战"后英国实力下降,被迫从中国西藏收缩、撤退。英国人和印度人在移交涉藏利益方面出现龃龉。1947年,中国西藏地方当局完成了政权重组,独立派喧嚣一时;亲英的中国西藏地方当局对口惠而实不至的印度人,颇存疑虑;国民政府内战败象显露和美国人急欲插手西藏,又勾起了中国西藏地方当局独立派"身份证明"的遐想。围绕中国西藏权益,1947年前后英国人、印度人、美国人、中国西藏地方当局独立派都面临着适应新角色、制定新政策的问题。 The Britain's strength declined after Word War I[ and it had to draw back its power in Chinese Tibet which mainly reflected in that it turned over its relevant Tibet interests to the new India regime before and after India independence in 1947. Of course, the seasoned Britain and newborn India had bumped heads in the process. 1947 was a year of special significance for Chinese Tibet: the Tibet local authority had been reconstructed and the independents bustled for a time but was confused about India's lip service; the National Government's sign of defeat and the United State's forwardness to hand in Tibet affairs evoked Tibetan independents' daydream of identification. Around this year, the British, the Indian, the American and the Tibetan independents were all faced with the issue of adapting to new role and formulating new policy around China Tibet interests.
作者 梁忠翠
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期146-153,共8页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社科基金项目<蒙藏委员会委员长更迭与国民政府治藏政策演变轨迹之研究>(课题号:13BMZ032)阶段性成果
关键词 中国西藏 国民政府 英国 印度 美国 Chinese Tibet National Government the Britain the India the United States
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  • 1陈庆英、邱熠华、王雏强编.《英国外交部涉藏档案选译》(五),北京:中国藏学研究中心历史研究所,2005年,第435页.
  • 2中国藏学研究中心等合编.《元以来西藏地方与中央政府关系档案史料汇编》第四册,北京:中国藏学出版社,1994年,第1465页.
  • 3Alastair Lamb : Tibet, China & India, 1914 - 1950 : A History of Imperial Diplomacy, Roxford Books, Hertingfordbury, Hertfordshire, 1989, p. 502 -503.
  • 4贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁著,齐文译:《印度的发现》,北京:世界知识出版社1956年版,第399页.
  • 5Alastair Lamb: Tibet, China & India, 1914 - 1950: A History of Imperial Diplomacy, Roxford Books, Hertingfordbury, Hertford- shire, 1989, p. 503, 508.
  • 6The British Library, Oriental and India Office Collections (OIOC) : L/P&S/12/4195A. Memorandum the Government of India, Depart- ment of Army. 18th April 1945.
  • 7OIOC: L/P&S/12/2175. From British Mission, Lhasa to India. Dated 27th March 1947.
  • 8OIOC : L/P&S/12/4210. Ext. 6243/1947. From the Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the External Mfairs Department to the Political Officer in Sikkim, Gangtok. Dated 8th April 1947.
  • 9PRO, F0371/53615, letter from H. E. Richardson in Lhasa to A. J. Hopkinson, the political officer in Sikkim, 9 June 1945.
  • 10王责、喜饶尼玛、唐家卫.《西藏历史地位辨》上册,北京:民族出版社,2003年,第312页.










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