
《易传》的“宗揆驱鬼”“以形判道” 被引量:5

Ye-Zhuan's Opposing Superstition with Zong Kui(Zong:Authentic;Kui:Unified Standard)and Distinguishing the Laws through Forms
摘要 《易传》的特点除"舍象立言""富于思辨""百虑致一""尚简"外,还有"以形判道"和"宗揆驱鬼"等。这些特点是决定《易经》成为经书,特别是成为"群经之首""大道之源"和道家"三玄之一"的主要原因。《易传》展现的是本体论宇宙观,是生生不息的主体性哲学。几千年来,它一直指导着国人居安思危,趋利避害,逢凶化吉,开物成务,建功立业,已成为中华文化的源头活水和中国人的生存智慧。人道、法制的原点在于"性善",中华文化的思想精髓来自《易经》的德道。人民出版社2013年4月出版发行的《童子问易》旨在强调经邦济世,但在阐述易经哲学体系建构的过程中也谈到了大易的"揆与宗关系"问题,提出了"德道同形"等问题。通过《童子问易》中有关"宗揆驱鬼"和"以形判道"的补证和分析以谢业界人士的雅言美意。 Apart from"establishing speech without images", "full of intellectual enquiries", "speculations targeted to the one" and "advocating simplicity", Ye-zhuan is also characterized by "distinguishing thelaws through forms" and "opposing superstition with Zong Kui". These characteristics are the main reasons why Ye-zhuan has become "head of classics", "origin of doctrines" and "one of the three schools of Meta-physics" of the Taoism. Ye-zhuan reveals ontological cosmology and it is the flourishing philosophy of subjectivity. For thousands of years, it has been guiding Chinese people to be prepared for danger in timesof safety, to seek advantages and disadvantages, to turn calamities into blessings, to understand thoroughly the truth of all things on earth and handle affairs successfully accordingly, and to make great achievements. It has become the fountainhead of the Chinese culture and the survival wisdom of Chinese people. The origin of humanity and rule of law lies in the goodness of human nature. The essence of the Chineseculture comes from the morality and laws of the Yeking, released by the People's Publishing House in April, 2013, is meant to stress on administering state affairs. However, while illustrating the structure ofthe system of Yeking, it also mentions the relationship between Kui and Zong and proposes the issue of "the uniformity of morality and laws". The author of this essay intends to acknowledge the complimentsfrom the people interested in this field through some extra proof and analysis of "opposing superstition with Zong Kui" and "distinguishing the laws through forms" in The Origins in Reply to an Interested Learner.
作者 任国杰
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期474-480,共7页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 易传 孔子 宗揆驱鬼 以形判道 Yeking Ye-zhuan Confucius opposing superstition with Zong Kui distinguishing the lawsthrough forms morality divination
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