
贵州地区感染外阴阴道念珠菌病的白念珠菌微卫星多态性研究 被引量:1

Analysis of microsatellite polymorphism in Candida albicans strains isolated from patients with vulvo-vaginal candidiasis in Guizhou region
摘要 目的:调查贵州地区感染外阴阴道念珠菌病( vulvovaginal candidiasis , VVC)的白念珠菌CAI区微卫星基因型分布及其与当地VVC流行病学之间的关系。方法收集贵州地区90株引起VVC的白念珠菌菌株,对其进行CAI区单链构象多态性( single strand conformation polymorphism , SS-CP)及GeneScan分析,对贵州地区VVC患者白念珠菌进行了基于CAI区微卫星分型,运用SPSS19.0软件对分离的白念珠菌进行基因多态性及聚类分析,并采用logistic 回归模型分析白念珠菌CAI区微卫星基因型分布与VVC的关系。结果90株VVC来源的白念珠菌中共有27种CAI-SSCP 图谱,结合GeneScan 分析结果证实为27种基因型,3种主要优势基因型30-45、32-46、30-46以及其他7种与其非常接近的基因型共63株,占70.0%;聚类分析将贵州地区白念珠菌分为3个群系( ClusterⅠ~ClusterⅢ),其中优势基因型全部聚类为Cluster Ⅱ;logistic 回归分析显示,白念珠菌优势基因型对VVC具有高危险度比值比(OR=4.3)。结论贵州地区感染VVC的白念珠菌的CAI基因型呈明显的优势分布,这些优势基因型与贵州地区VVC的发生高度相关。 Objective To investigate the genotype distribution of microsatellite locus CAI among Candida albicans ( C.albicans ) strains and to evaluate its relationship with the epidemic of vulvovaginal candidiasis ( VVC) in Guizhou region .Methods Ninety independent C.albicans strains isolated from patients with VVC in Guizhou were investigated based on single-strand conformation polymorphisms ( SSCP ) and GeneScan analysis .The genotypes of C.albicans strains were identified by microsatellite locus CAI polymorphism analysis .The gene polymorphism and the cluster of C.albicans strains were analyzed by using software SPSS 19.0.A logistic regression model was used to analyze the relationship between genotype distribution of CAI microsatellite among C.albicans strains and VVC infection .Results Twenty-seven distinct CAI genotypes with various patterns were identified from 90 C.albicans strains by GeneScan analysis .Cluster analysis showed that the C.albicans strains were classified into three clusters ( ClusterⅠto Cluster Ⅲ) . Three predominant genotypes including 30-45, 32-46 and 30-46 and other 7 highly similar genotypes belonged to clusterⅡthat accounted for 70.0%(63 strains) in all strains.The odds ratio for the predominant genotypes associated with VVC infection was 4.3.Conclusion The predominant distribution of genotypes was observed among the isolated C.albicans strains.The predominant genotypes of C.albicans were highly associated with the occurrence of VVC .
出处 《中华微生物学和免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期431-434,共4页 Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
基金 国家自然基金地方项目(31060006,31260029) 贵州省社会发展科技攻关项目(黔科合SY字[2011]3017号) 贵州省卫生厅科技项目(gzwkj2010-1-025) 贵阳市科技局社会发展与民生计划(筑科合同[2011103]16号)
关键词 单链构象多态性分析 白念珠菌 基因分型 Single-strand conformation polymorphism Candida albicans Genotype
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