
关于中印构建新型大国关系的若干思考 被引量:5

Some Reflections on the Establishment of a New Model of Major-power Relationship between China and India
摘要 中印建交60多年来,两国关系在曲折中前行。近些年来,中印两国超越了冷战思维、印度核试危机、中印边界争端等不利于两国关系发展的多重因素,在经济合作领域取得了长足发展,两国战略互信不断加深,战略合作伙伴进一步深化,构建新型大国关系已经成为中印两国的共识。然而,新型大国关系的最终实现还要经历较为漫长而艰难的过程。主要是因为:从地缘安全方面看,边界争端、中国西藏、印度洋战略利益问题将长期困扰着两国关系;从外部因素看,中、印、巴三国关系和美、日、印三国关系也将长期制约中印关系的发展。 Over more than 60 years since China and India entered diplomatic relations, the relationship between the two countries developed in twists and turns. In recent years, the two countries, having transcended such constraining factors for the development of their bilateral relations as the Cold War mentality, the crisis of Indian nuclear test, and border disputes, have made great progress in economic cooperation, deepened mutual strategic trust and strategic partnership, and reached a common understanding to construct a new model of major-power relationship. Nonetheless, the establishment of a new model of major-power relationship would take a long and difficult road, mainly because of the following factors: from the perspective of geo-security, border disputes, the Tibet issue, and strategic interests of the Indian Ocean are issues that will beset the two countries for a long time; from the perspective of external factors, the trilateral relationships of China, India and Pakistan and the U.S., Japan and India will check the development of the Sino-Indian relationship for a long run.
作者 胡二杰
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2014年第3期52-63,113-114,共12页 Peace and Development
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