介绍美国 L attice公司生产在系统可编程器件系列的最新产品——在系统可编程模拟电路器件 isp PAC系列芯片的组成和性能特点。以 isp PAC器件替代传统的运放、有源滤波器等传统器件 ,几乎不必外接电阻电容等元件 ,并且具有优良的电路性能。应用 i Sp PAC器件能加快设计过程、降低产品制造成本、易于维护。研究 isp PAC应用电路 ,设计并验证了 isp PAC脉冲平衡调制电路 ,其性能良好。
This paper introduces the main architecture and features of the In system programmable analog circuit(ispPAC) made by the Lattice Semiconductor Corporation.The ispPAC devices replace the traditional analog components such as op amps and active filters.These devices also eliminate the need for most external resistors and capacitors while providing high quality performance.We researched the application circuits of ispPAC,designed and verified the pulse balance modulation circuit with ispPAC,which has good performance.
Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology