咖啡透翅天蛾(Cephonodes hylas)是景宁千亩红山栀(Gardenia jasminoides)的主要叶部害虫,该虫在景宁 1 年发生 5 代,以蛹在树蔸下表土中越冬,翌年 5 月上旬越冬蛹开始羽化,第 1、第 2、第 3、第 4、第 5 代幼虫危害盛期分别在 5、6、7、8、9 月下旬,室外观察其天敌主要有赤眼蜂、寄蝇、草蛉、蜘蛛。
Cephonodes hylas is the main leaf pest of Gardenia jasminoides, it has five generations per year,overwinteres in the shallow soil around the root system by pupa,then emerges at the first ten days of May next year. The peak period of damage of larva of the first、second、fourth and fifth generation are respectively at the last ten days of May、June July、August and September. Its natural enemies observed outdoor are Trichogrammatidae sp., Tachinae sp.,Chrysopidae sp. and spider.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology