森林经营计算机管理系统可实现生态公益林、退耕还林、封山育林等项目的规划设计、成本核算、资源监测等信息管理以及财务资金管理。该系统由 1 个总控模块和 4 个用户模块组成,设计美观易懂,实用性强,并能随时更改和扩充,是县级森林经营管理的好帮手。
The computer system for forest management could perform the information management of planning and design, cost accounting and resource monitoring and finance management of the projects such as ecological forest, reafforestation and closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation. The system is composed of one control module and four user mo-dules. Because of its beautiful design and easy to understand, practical and easy to change and enlarge, it is a good helper for forest management.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology