本文主要论述以速生劣质材杨木为基材 ,以有机单体甲基丙烯酸甲酯作为浸滞剂 ,并着以适当颜色 ,在真空状态下作浸滞处理 ,处理件在石蜡包围下 ,在 4 5~ 50℃的低温和 70~ 80℃的中温环境中进行两个阶段的化学引发聚合固化 ,制造出木塑复合材料。在此工艺基础上 ,通过制作杨木木塑复合材料地板试验 。
This paper deals with the effect of several factors on manufacture process of floor with poplar wood plastic composites. In this study, poplar wood and methyl methacrylate were used with different colour. Paraffin oil plays a crusting role on wood surface during the cure of mcthyl mcthacrylatc.
Journal of Henan Forestry Science and Technology