叙述了我国大地测量工作者于 1998年对珠穆朗玛峰及邻近区域进行的第四次大规模的大地测量外业概况和取得的成果 ,以及数据处理方法和最终结果。经过对 1998、196 6 - 196 8、1975、1992年珠峰及邻近区域四次大地测量数据综合分析 ,从地学方面进行研究 ,得出青藏块体在印度板块的推动下 ,仍向北东东方向运动 ;珠峰地区相对垂直运动在整体抬升的过程中伴有波浪式的起伏等结论。
The fourth geodetic surveying campaign on Mt. Everest and its adjacent area was successfully conducted by Chinese surveyors in 1998. Its fieldwork introductions, data acquisitions, data processing methods and the final results achieved were described in this paper. A thoroughly scientific Analyse based on comparing the 4-session geodetic surveying observations which were conducted in 1998, 1992,1975 and 1966-1968 respectively shows that Qinghai-Tibet Block is still moving on its way of northeast horizontally under the motivation caused by Indian Block movement, while relative vertical movement has waving fluctuation during the entire rising process.
Science of Surveying and Mapping
国家测绘局"九五"攻关科研项目! (C95 - 0 4- 0 6 )