选取常熟市练塘等 5个乡为试验区 ,用 1 994年和 1 999年的 SPOT资料作为信息源 ,用人机交互式解译法进行土地利用现状分类及动态监测 ,并将 1 994年调查结果与同年航空像片详查值作对比 ,进行了精度分析。将 1 999年 SPOT卫片判读结果与 1 994年航片详查对比 ,可得到 5乡一级土地分类的动态面积和动态率 ,其中耕地5 a间的动态率为 - 1 8.3‰ ,并与常熟市国土局统计值得出的动态面积和动态率作了比较。研究结果表明 :SPOT卫片监测县级土地利用是可行的 ,选择适宜的 SPOT卫片时相以及剔除细小地物的影响 。
Cultivated land classification and dynamic survey were made respectively for five small towns of Changshu,Jiangsu Province in terms of the method of judging between man and computer for the SPOT data of 1994 and 1999.Precision was analyzed by comparing investigation results with aerial photo survey for 1994.Through a comparison between the area from SPOT image of 1999 with that from aerial photo survey of 1994,we have got dynamic changes in land area for class A type with decreasing rate of 18.3‰ during five years for the five towns.Results show that SPOT image is applicable to survey of county level land use,especially when good phase is chosen and effect of small object on land is redressed.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology