几十年的研究与实践表明 ,区域发展要“扬长避短”,既要重视区域优势的发挥 ,也要注重区域发展的限制因素。在实地调查的基础上 ,以湛江市为例 ,强调了区域发展限制性因素研究的重要性。认为湛江市的区域发展在区域政策、区域组织、区际联系和区域管理等方面都存在着问题 ,这些问题在很大程度上阻碍了湛江市的区域发展。湛江市经济实力不强、区域发展水平低 ,产业结构不合理、工业发展长期滞后 ,主导产业的产业关联度不强 ,经济效益欠佳 ,限制性因素的负面效应非常明显。必须从限制性因素的弱化与克服方面入手 ,立足资源优势、合理确定经济发展政策 ,适当调整行政管理体制、提高行政效率 ,深化现代企业制度改革、提高企业经济效益 ,重视城市形象工程建设 ,改善投资环境 。
Decades of researches and practice indicate that it is important to think much of both regional predominance and limiting factors of regional development Based on field survey, the paper emphasizes the researches on limiting factors of regional development, taking Zhanjiang City as a case study It considers that there are problems in many prospects such as regional policy, regional organize, relations between regions, regional administration, which baffled the development of Zhanjiang City To some extent, low level of economic strength, unreasonable industry structure, faint associate among leading industries, all these attribute to the negative effect of limiting factors It is pointed out lastly that much should be carried out to minimize or overcome limiting factors The measures include making economic policy properly based on regional predominance, reforming the system of administration to improve its efficiency, deepening the reform of modern enterprise system, attaching importance to the construction of city image
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research